We have a ‘guiding’ and clear mission statement:
Together we learn, we achieve, we enjoy
ResPect for others
Be TrustworthY
Our ethos is based around our core values of:
We are very proud of our school where our vision centres on providing:
- a happy, safe, secure and supportive learning environment
- a place where good order and respect for others and their belongings are maintained, enabling children to have the opportunities to achieve academically and grow personally underpinned by enthusiasm, encouragement and high expectations
- encouragement of success and building aspirations
- a belief that everyone has something to offer and the capability of rising to a challenge.
Our aims
- To provide an excellent education for all children and to enable them to reach their potential
- To respond to the needs of everyone in the school, providing appropriate and relevant educational experiences
- To create partnerships between parents and the school which benefits the children’s education
- To have high standards for all the children and encourage them to aim for these at all times
- To celebrate success and achievement in all areas of school and community life
- To contribute to social cohesion within the wider community
- To maintain high expectations of all members of the school, challenging them to be the best they can be academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually
- To create a community which is welcoming of all cultural traditions in a climate of joy, tolerance and respect
Our aims and ethos complement the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.