The school day starts at 8.50am, unless they attend nursery, which starts at 8.45am. If you have a child in both the nursery and school we ask that you drop your child at nursery first. If your child is in the infants and goes to breakfast club they will be taken to their building at the appropriate time.
Morning Playtime At 10.00am until 10.15am is morning play for all children. Infants play in the playground adjoining the infant classrooms. Junior children have access to a playground with a tyre park and a sports playground.
Lunch Infant children have a lunch break from 12.00pm and eat their lunch first followed by a lunch time play. Junior children have a lunch time play first which is followed by eating lunch. Lunch time ends for all at 1.00pm.
Children in junior classes also have access to football coaching, tyre park and also an inside games club.
Afternoon Playtime Infant children have a playtime from 2.15pm until 2.30pm.
Whole school/class assembly is daily at 2.55pm and on a Friday we have a whole school celebration assembly at 2.45pm.
School ends for all children at 3.20pm
From September 2024, our finishing time extended to 3:20 to achieve the weekly total of 32hrs and 30mins.
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