Our Governors

First, a little introduction about why we have governors and what they do...

The Role of the Governing Board

The governing board provides strategic leadership and accountability for the school and its community.


Governors have three main functions:

  • Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent
  • Hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction is maintained


Governors work with the headteacher to set aims and objectives for the year alongside development of policies and procedures to enable achievement. They monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making and act as a source of challenge or 'critical friend' with which to support the headteacher.


Governors are expected to:

  • Make decisions about how money is spent and budgets are managed 
  • Support the performance management of the staff and senior leaders
  • Engage with the school community by attending events and arranging time to visit the school
  • Address a range of education issues within the school including disadvantaged pupils, pupils with special needs, staff workload and teacher recruitment
  • Ask challenging questions about data, pupil premium, SEN and other pupil groups
  • Sit on panels and make decisions when required such as staff discipline/complaints
  • Attend relevant training to keep up to date with education changes and statutory compliance

The Governing Board has two committees:

  • Standards Committee - Governors focus on the welfare of pupils, data-progress and attainment, educational development, safeguarding.
  • Assets Committee - Governors focus on the financial performance of the school analysing reports and making sure money is well spent.

  • Governing Body

    Chair  S Gandy

    Vice Chair  R Early

    Clerk T Stewart

    S Bell-Gray

    H Heaton

    C Heal

    J Woodruff (staff Gov)

    A Culican

    A Ali Imran

    A Marcroft

    L Whalley

  • SEC

    Chair  S Gandy

    Vice Chair  R Early

    Clerk T Stewart

    S Bell-Gray

    H Heaton

    C Heal

    J Woodruff (staff Gov)

    A Culican

    A Ali Imran

    A Marcroft

    L Whalley

  • Resources

    John Woodruff Chair

    Alexandra Marcroft  Vice Chair 

    Andria Culican

    Sue Gandy

    Christine Heal

    Mick McKenna

    Tracey Stewart   Clerk

  • Governor roles

    Chair  S Gandy

    Vice Chair  R Early

    Clerk T Stewart

    Assessment S Bell-Gray

    Attendance S Gandy

    Cultural Capital H Heaton

    EYFS C Heal

    Foundation curriculum J Woodruff

    Learning behaviour A Culican

    Maths A Ali Imran

    PSHE R Early

    Pupil premium R Early

    Reading Attainment  S Gandy

    Safeguarding S Gandy

    SEND A Marcroft

    Training S Bell-Gray

    Writing L Whalley

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