Wombat Class - Year 6

Welcome to Year 6. 

Our class teacher is Mrs Rourke and Miss Culican is our teaching assistant. 

During the year we learn about lots of interesting things, some of our favourite lessons are about World War Two in history, Evolution and classifying animals in science and we love our residential to Borwick Hall where we continue our learning outside. 

Year 6 is a busy year getting ready for the transition to high school, Mrs Rourke helps prepare the children for the next step in their education journey. 

We love reading and we are currently reading The Nowhere Emporium by Ross MacKenzie daily in our STAR time. 


In Year 6 this half term children will receive spelling, reading, grammar and maths homework each week. Each child will be given a maths and grammar CPG SATS guide and will be told which pages they should complete for homework each week. Homework will be set on Wednesday and will be due in by the next Wednesday. 

Children are expected to read at least 3 times a week and to bring their reading book to school each day. 


Year 6 have their PE every Friday. Please ensure children come to school dressed in their PE kits and any earrings are removed or plasters need to be provided for the children to cover them with. 

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